It’s about You!

It has ALWAYS been about You. From the moment of inception, through your first breath in this realm, and, until your last one… it has, and will be about You!

It’s about your life, here and now, your unique note, your song… the one that only you can sing… about your genius, your weirdness, your joy, your dreams, your growth and your connection in love, life and harmony with other You’s.

You have magic in your blood and bones, passed on to you by the Ancestors, nourished by Mother Nature. You are wiser and more powerful than you know. You came here to share the magnificent beauty and Love that You are… for the good of us all. This is You… your sacred, gifted, wonderful self.

Come play in the field of You! Join me for a journey of discovery and celebration… about You, in a circle of You’s.

Story + Play + Poetry + Embodiment Practices + Ritual + Journaling + Community + Love

SAVE THE DATE: You! Mini Retreat | Coming Saturday, January 13th, 10am-12nn

Invest in You! $39

On Zoom

With Marla Durden

FAQ for You!

What will be some takeaways from this playshop?

You will leave refreshed and inspired.
You will have new tools to support your self-care and personal growth.
You will have a more embodied sense of who you truly are.
You will be connected to your playfulness which fosters inspiration and creativity.
You will be more centered in your unique gifts.

Can I attend just part of the playshop?

We create a container of community so that we can dive deep and inspire each other. For this reason it is important that we commit to giving ourselves the gift of being present to our entire time together.

How much physical activity will be expected of me? What kind of physical shape do I need to be in?

Anyone can participate, no matter your fitness level. All of the forms can be modified so that you can have a full experience. All activities will be easy, fun, and based in a series of incremental “forms” that lead you to movement and stories, silence and song, ease and amusement. In the process, we discover the wisdom in ourselves and our communities.

We will draw on the wisdom of InterPlay which integrates body, mind, heart and spirit. InterPlay can be done by anyone.

Why would I want to give up my Saturday for this?

This retreat combines the best of all worlds. You will have time to rest and release in a mindful way. You will have structured time and free time. We help you to tap into and trust your body wisdom as you mindfully release that which blocks your love and grace.

We help you to remember and embody that which does bring you joy. You will have the opportunity to dream, set clear intentions for yourself and to celebrate them. We do this in a field and intention of flow, which allows for truly inspired creativity.

You will laugh, contemplate, write, share story, celebrate and have conscious somatic experience of your creation… your life, in the container of community.

We combine contemplative practices, ritual, the powerful elements of InterPlay, poetry and a little science to create an experience that will nourish, refresh and inspire you.

I was never really very good at knowing how to play (be playful)? I'm concerned I will not fit in. Any thoughts?

Playfulness emerges in an environment of connection and trust, for this reason we begin our time together by co-creating an environment of trust, based upon shared agreements. For this reason, we ask that you are present to participate in the full retreat.

Our culture professes a false myth that creativity is a gift bestowed upon only some. It is not. Creativity is a birthright of all humans. In our sessions we offer just enough structure to be supportive and the freedom to explore your own playful expression.

Why should I play?

Because play can make us smarter at any age and is anything but trivial. It is a biological drive as integral to our health as sleep or nutrition. Play is essential to developing social skills and adult problem-solving skills. We are designed by nature to flourish through play.

Play is a developmentally important human process and a central element of life, not only for children but for working and retired adults. Playing is fun, even joyful. It refreshes and energizes us. In playing our burdens feel lighter and we are opened to new possibilities. But play goes even deeper, it shapes our brains to make us smarter and more able to adapt to situations. Our success as an innovative culture rests first, on our recognizing the importance of play, then on our allowing play into daily living. In play, we set aside the titles, roles, performance expectations and are present to ourselves and others in the moment.